Each month, financial members can enter our competitions and receive image evaluations/critiques with both an open section and a set theme. There is no pressure to submit images. However, the feedback is always valuable.
Your image submissions are due by midnight on the second Wednesday of each month – the night following the club night. Please email your images to the Judging Convener at mtcc.photos@gmail.com.
Digital images should be in the JPEG format, to a maximum of 1920 pixels on the longest side. Your JPEG quality should be set to 100%. Printed images are to be 50cm by 40cm (including mat).
Images must be the work of the member. The member must have captured the image but they may have assistance with post-processing provided as long as it is under the express direction of the member.
The final image must have been based on an exposed photograph, or set of photographs,
captured by the member.
Images may be digitally enhanced but images generated solely by electronic
means, eg, AI, are not eligible.
New members start at C grade and can move up the grades (to A) based on points
received in competitions.
Images are to be named according to the member’s grade (A, B or C); whether
the category is a theme (T) or open (O); name for the image; and lastly the
member’s initials. In other words, name your image following this pattern:
Grade_Theme_Image-Title_Photographer’s Initials,jpg
For example: A_T_Sunset-at-Piha_AZ.jpg
Submit one digital each month February to November
Submit two digital images each month February to November.
2023 programme
February – Macro
March – Animals
April – Sepia
May – Shadows
June – Floral
July – Footwear, Boots and Shoes
August – Creative with Lights
September – Portraits
October – Bokeh
November – Street Photography
December – Best of Year, Floral, Landscape, Black & White and Open awards and Christmas Party
2022 programme
08 February 2022. No set theme.
08 March 2022. Black and White.
– Capturing your subject in B/W. Totally Black, grey and white – NO colour!
12 April 2022. No set theme.
– No images due, to allow for time to arrange judges.
10 May 2022. Cemetery.
– A photograph that must be taken in a cemetery.
14 June 2022. Above or Below.
– A photograph of something above you or below you, either from a high angle or a low angle respectively. Pretty much anything except eye level images.
12 July 2022. Still Life.
– (no description set).
09 August 2022. One Second Exposure.
– The photograph must be taken with a one second exposure time..
13 September 2022. Impressionist Landscape.
– A photographic technique that results in images that have vague or elusive qualities. They are less tangible and more unreal while still retaining the values that make them landscape pictures.
11 October 2022. Iconic Character/Place.
– Somebody or something interesting in your home town.
08 November 2022. Converging Lines.
– (no description set).
– Also submit images for End Of Year Awards; Best Open Colour, best Open Monochrome, Landscape Cup, Floral Cup.
13 December 2022. Christmas Party meeting.
– our traditional dinner and prize-giving. Members only, not open to visitors or potential new members (sorry).
2021 Programme
Submit one digital each month February to November
Submit two digital images each month February to November.
09 February 2021. Landscape
– Capturing a rural , urban or industrial scene.
09 March 2021. Portraits.
– Capture the essence of your subject. Human portraits only.
13 April 2021. High or Low Key.
– Capture your subject 1 in High key / 1 in low key.
11 May 2021. Black and White.
– Capturing your subject in B/W. Totally Black, grey and white – NO colour!
08 June 2021. Artificial Lighting
– Capturing your subject under artificial lighting.
13 July 2021. Blue.
– Capturing the colour Blue. Be creative.
10 August 2021. Street Photography.
– Unmediated chance encounters and random incidents within public places.
14 September 2021. Double Exposure.
– A double exposure is a combination of two images into one where one image is overlaid onto another at less than full opacity.
12 October 2021. Sport/Action.
– Capturing that moment of action.
09 November 2021. Pop Art.
– Pop art is a movement that emerged in the United Kingdom and United States during the mid to late 50’s. One of its aims is to use images of popular (as opposed to elitist) subjects.
– Also submit images for End Of Year Awards; Best Open Colour, best Open Monochrome, Landscape Cup, Floral Cup.
14 December 2021. Christmas Party meeting.
– our traditional dinner and prize-giving. Members only, not open to visitors or potential new members (sorry).
2020 Programme
Submit one digital image each month February to November.
Submit two digital images each month February to November.
11 February 2020. Circles
– Whether a creative use of negative light or capturing objects and nature, circles can be found everywhere.
10 March 2020. Seascape
-The majority of the frame captures the sea.
14 April 2020. Jobs In Motion / Portrait
– Capture a subject in motion as to portray the activity of the work environment.
12 May 2020. Movement
-Capture a movement, a moment or emotion as it passes through the lens
09 June 2020. Forced perspective
– Capture the subject with distorted proportions so as to make it appear farther away, closer, taller or shorter than it really is within the scene.
14 July 2020. Street / Documentary
– A candid shot that captures a random event or incident of everyday life in a public space.
11 August 2020. Architectural
– Capture the design aesthetic of a building or series of buildings.
08 September 2020. Skyscape
– A section or portion of the sky, including part of the horizon, as seen from a single viewpoint.
13 October 2020. Antique Machinery
– Simply capture an image of vintage or antique machinery.
10 November 2020. Minimalism
– A clean simple image using on a small amount of subjects
– Also, submit images for End Of Year awards; Best Open Colour, Best Monochrome, Landscape Cup, Floral Cup.
08 December 2020. Christmas Party meeting.
– our traditional dinner and prizegiving. Not open to visitors or potential new members (sorry).
2019 Programme
Submit one digital image each month February to November.
Submit two digital images each month February to November.
12 February 2019. Square Format
– A compositional challenge, make the most of a square frame. Otherwise, the subject is open.
12 March 2019. Water Drops
– A close-up subject, water collisions forming beautiful and interesting shapes.
09 April 2019. High Key
– High key photography uses unnaturally bright lighting to blow out most or all harsh shadows in an image.
14 May 2019. A Solo Flower
– Simply, a single bloom in your frame.
11 June 2019. Living Creature
– Be it an insect or mammal, arachnid or reptile, present a portrait of a living creature.
09 July 2019. Light Trails
– Capture the movement of light through the image frame.
13 August 2019. Holes
– Holes, just holes. Make of it what you will!
10 September 2019. Sunrise/Sunset
– Definition: When the edge of the sun sinks or rises just under or over the horizon.
08 October 2019. Reflections
– Think out of box and reflect on your surroundings. What would make the perfect subject whose reflection can be captured with clarity of vision?
12 November 2019. Textures
– It is all about patterns, colors and depth, and every single detail of a texture plays a significant role in the overall perception of the photograph.
– Also, submit images for End Of Year awards; Best Open Colour, Best Monochrome, Landscape Cup, Floral Cup.
11 December 2019. Christmas Party meeting.
– our traditional dinner and prizegiving. Not open to visitors or potential new members (sorry).
2018 Programme
Submit one digital image each month February to November.
Submit two digital images each month February to November.
13 February 2018. No Theme
– Submit two Open images only.
13 March 2018. Architectural Abstracts
– Elements of structures that create interesting and abstract images. Look for shapes, texture, shadows etc
10 April 2018. Perspective
– A technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. Show the dimensions of your subjects and the spatial relationship between them, the different way your subject would look by the object’s size and distance from your camera.
08 May 2018. Water Sport
– Such as fishing, speedboats, swimming, surfing etc.
12 June 2018. Low Key
– Low key images are characterised by reduced lighting, striking contrasts, dark tones, and shadows and often have a rather dark dramatic quality to them.
10 July 2018. Artificial Light
– The image is to be created using artificial light sources – flash, work light, signage etc – any natural light included in the image should be a minor element.
14 August 2018. Portrait
– Traditional or creative, self or other, create a portrait.
11 September 2018. Night Sky
– The night sky itself is to feature, you can use landscapes etc to support this.
09 October 2018. Macro or Close-up
– Can be 1:1 or for close- up 1:2, 1:3 etc, be creative, find some unique subjects and get up close.
13 November 2018. Impressionist
– Using intentional camera movement to create work characterised by soft focus and atmospheric effects.
– Also, submit images for End Of Year awards; Best Open Colour, Best Monochrome, Landscape Cup, Floral Cup.
11 December 2018. Christmas Party meeting.
– our traditional dinner and prizegiving. Not open to visitors or potential new members (sorry).
2017 Programme
14 February 2017. Three.
– Represent ‘three’ as an image. It could be a triptych, three items in an image, or something else again.
14 March 2017. Abandoned Spaces
– Look for interesting looking abandoned spaces. It can be a deserted space, unoccupied, neglected or plain empty, either indoor or outdoor. Try to tell a story with your photograph and look for a place that moves you emotionally.
11 April 2017. Water Droplets
– A close-up subject, water collisions forming beautiful and interesting shapes.
09 May 2017. Automobiles (Cars)
– Automobiles are an art world all their own, be it classic, sport, coupe or ute. Look for rare, exotic, beautiful or unusual in this challenge. You can also get in close to shoot certain parts and challenge the normal perspective. No trucks or motorcycles.
13 June 2017. Abstract.
– Abstract Photography, like abstract art, focuses on shape, form, colour, pattern and texture. It seeks to show the subject’s essence, not the reality.
11 July 2017. Exploding
– Capture the sudden, loud, and violent release of energy that happens when something breaks apart.
08 August 2017. Rivers or Streams.
– A waterway is to be the feature of your image.
12 September 2017. Light Painting
– Light painting is a photographic technique in which exposures are made by moving a hand-held light source while taking a long exposure.
10 October 2017. Emergency Services
– Police, Fire, Ambulance etc, there may be a field trip for this.
14 November 2017. Mood
– Illustrate a mood, such as hunger, enthusiasm, celebration/del>.
– Also, submit images for End Of Year awards; Best Open Colour, Best Monochrome, Landscape Cup, Floral Cup/del>.
08 December 2017. Christmas Party meeting
– our traditional dinner and prizegiving. Not open to visitors or potential new members (sorry).
2016 Programme
09 February 2016. Monochrome.
– Black & White, or a single colour (such as Sepia).
08 March 2016. Mechanical.
– A machine is a tool containing one or more parts that uses energy to perform an intended action (wikipedia). Capture this.
12 April 2016. Contre-jour.
– Subject is backlit by the lighting source, emphasising lines and shapes.
10 May 2016. Product Shot.
-A kind of a photography that is taken to highlight products and services of an organization.
14 June 2016. Animal Portraits.
– Portraits are a classsic photography theme, this time though it’s animals only, no humans.
12 July 2016. Knolling.
– A careful arrangement of related items – the art of laying stuff down
09 August 2016. White-on-white.
– Photograph white object(s) on a white background, using the play of light and shadow to define your image.
13 September 2016. Water
– Whether it’s a swimming pool or just a drop, a sea shore, a glass half full or your own bathtub – take a pic of it.
11 October 2016. Illusion.
– Optical or composite -multiple options & difficulty levels… photograph something that makes you look twice….
08 November 2016. Looking Down
– From a small height, or a great height, point your camera down
08 December 2016. Christmas Party meeting.
– our traditional dinner and prizegiving. Not open to visitors or potential new members (sorry).
2015 Programme
The full version of the 2015 yearly programme with submission guidelines can be downloaded as a PDF document here: 2015 Theme Programme
10 February 2015. Cloudscapes.
– Look Up! Clouds must be the feature.
10 March 2015. Dots-Dashes-Diagonals… and Lines
– The beauty of patterns and structure.
14 April 2015. In the style of…
– A study of famous photographers and painters, recreate an image in the style of one of your choice. Include the name of the artist you are re-creating in the filename.
12 May 2015. Inspired by noise.
– Visually portray a sense of noise or a sound.
09 June 2015. Still Life.
– A still life is an image featuring an arrangement of inanimate, everyday objects, whether natural objects (flowers, food, wine, etc.) or manufactured items (books, bottles, crockery, etc.).
14 July 2015. Doom & Gloom.
– Creepy, abandoned, dark, moody, atmospheric.
11 August 2015. Head-on Action.
– Usually you track a moving object, this time you are to meet the action head-on!
08 September 2015. Photojournalism
– A story in a single image, minimal post-processing allowed, essentially straight-out-of-camera.
13 October 2015. Woodlands.
– The first of two landscape-type themes. Shoot a woodland or forest.
10 November 2015. Waterfalls
– The second of two landscape-type themes: a waterfall must be the feature element of your image.
08 December 2015. Christmas Party meeting.
– our traditional dinner and prizegiving. Not open to visitors or potential new members (sorry).
2014 Programme
The full version of the 2014 yearly programme with submission guidelines can be downloaded as a PDF document here: 2014 Theme Programme
11 February 2014. Celebration.
– Christmas, summer, it’s celebration time for Kiwi’s. Show us yours!
11 March 2014. Character Of Life.
– Your subject matter will be older for this one, illustrate a life well lived. Portraits of the elderly, face/hands detail, street photography etc.
08 April 2014. Less Is More.
– A study of minimalism. i.e. silhouettes, shadows, abstract, negative space.
13 May 2014. Panning.
– a sense of motion. usually you track a moving object but there’s scope for abstract images of static scenes too.
10 June 2014. Consumption.
– Our own version of the Prix Pictet competition. Documentary style images illustrating Consumption.
08 July 2014. Kiwiana.
– A range of wacky and weird objects or scenes which help define what it is to be a New Zealander, or ‘Kiwi’. These wonderful things are known simply as ‘Kiwiana’.
12 August 2014. Macro.
– Self-explanatory really, get in close! Both macro and close-up images accepted.
09 September 2014. Blue September.
– Simple. The colour ‘blue’ must feature in your image.
14 October 2014. Typologies.
– Typology is the study of types, and a photographic typology is a set of images or related forms, shot in a consistant and repetitive manner, presented together. assemble 9 to 12 photos in each file.
11 November 2014. 2014 AGM
– no theme this month, Open submission only.
09 December 2014. Christmas Party meeting.
– our traditional dinner and prizegiving.
2013 Programme
12 February 2013. Shadows.
– the interplay of direct and indirect light.
12 March 2013. Abandoned Toys.
– Used a little or a lot, lost, discarded or just forgotten, show us these forgotten treasures.
09 April 2013. A Sense Of Place.
– Sometimes a single image is not enough. Present three images to describe a place, as a triptych. (Note: submit two triptych’s this month)
14 May 2013. More Than One.
– An exercise in repetition – creative use of multiple similar/identical objects.
11 June 2013. Painting With Light.
– A night-time shoot, use artificial lights to illuminate/create your image.
09 July 2013. Yellow.
– The colour must feature in your image.
13 August 2013. Mystery Object.
– You will be given a mystery object at the July meeting. Make creative use of what you receive.
10 September 2013. Song Title.
– Pick a song title, shoot an image to illustrate it. Use the song title as your image title. Note: appropriate image naming will be important with this one!
08 October 2013. Inner Workings.
– The mechanisms of how things work. Could include macro’s, close-up’s etc.
12 November 2013. AGM – no theme this month.
– submit your end-of-year Open Print of The Year, Landscape Print and Floral Print. Start preparing your end-of-year theme (min 6 images)
10 December 2013. Christmas Party Meeting and prize-giving.
2012 Theme programme
14 February 2012. Human Emotion.
– Emotion capture is about being there to capture the moment and share it. Tell us a story of human interaction through your photo.
13 March 2012. Typography.
– Use fonts and text creatively to make words into a compelling image.
10 April 2012. Graveyards / Cemeteries.
– Seeing the beauty and mystery found in cemeteries.
08 May 2012. Creepy Crawlies.
– There are creative ways to accomplish this as well as shooting macro or close-ups of little critters.
12 June 2012. 1 Second.
– Hand-hold your camera for a 1 second exposure. We are not expecting anything razor-sharp, but it has to be artistically pleasing.
10 July 2012. 1 Leaf.
– A single leaf defined in your image frame.
14 August 2012. Entranceways.
– Doors, gates, arches – many entranceways are around us, whether your home, local park or something else again.
11 September 2012. Black and White Interiors.
– Viewing your indoor world in black and white.
09 October 2012. On the Street.
– Street photography – a type of documentary photography that features subjects in candid situations within public places.
The Matamata-Tirau Camera Club are proud to be the event photographers for the Hamilton, NZ edition of The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride since 2017. The DGR is a worldwide charity event for men's health.
See our image Gallery here.
The Matamata-Tirau Camera Club have been proud to be the event photographers for the annual Balloons Over Waikato Festival for five events between 2014 to 2018.
See our image gallery here.
SixWays Clubs
The Photo Argus
- 4 Guides on How to Use Color like a Pro Photographer
- The Golden Hour: Capturing the Magic of Dawn and Dusk
- The Art of Guiding the Eye: 3 Free Guides to Leading Lines in Photography
- Essential Tips for Turning Food Photography into Culinary Art
- 4 Inspiring & Free Resources to Elevate Your Fashion Photography Skills